Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Big FB Break

Well...I realized today that it's been a week and a day since I was "on" facebook. Here are a few observations:

1. The time without it has gone by incredibly fast. Definitely doesn't feel like it's been that long.

2. I really needed to and did get on twice. Once to get someone's email. And once to respond to a message from someone. Both times I had a strong urge to go read my newsfeed or people's walls. This indicates to me that I did in fact have an addiction when the very sight of it's blue and white blocky goodness provoked such a desire in me. But I resisted. :)

3.The final and maybe most important...I have yet to find ONE thing that I'm missing.

I believe that without constantly checking it, my life may have changed for the better. I'm not going to say that for sure right now. But it most definitely has not changed for the worse. Short of realizing that I've probably missed an opportunity to tell a lot of people "Happy Birthday," I can't think of anything I've missed. I've turned back to email, a place to connect with real friends where it's kind of awkward to just throw two sentences out there, a form of communication that forces something a little more substantial. I find that not knowing what is going on in everyone else's life is great. If they want to tell me, they will and I don't have the stress of trying to keep up.

And I've had a friend who jumped in the facebook break with me and it's so encouraging to have someone who is willing to give that up too, just to see what comes of it.

We'll see how long it last...but for right now, I'm not going back anytime soon.


Leah said...

I notice that the days I don't get on FB that I am much happier... bc although it can be so useful for some things, it is primarily just a time waster. KEEP IT UP! :)

Priscilla said...

But you have missed the photo & video of Todd Agnew ice skating that I posted on your mom's wall! I can guarantee it will put a smile on your face!

Leona said...

Say here! I decided to fast from Facebook, unfortunately I still have Twitter and Blogger to look through. I'm not a " "Lent" kind of person, but I'm willing to give the most difficult thing for me for 40 days. Facebook. Love you!

Laurel said...

This past summer I realized I was spending too much time on Facebook, so since I've been back to school I only go onto Facebook about once every couple of weeks (maybe twice a month or so on average). Like you said, I don't miss it all that much. I find other things to do with my time, and people who want to talk to me or who I need to stay in touch with typically manage over email, phone, or in person... Good for you though-- you can do it! :)

Jen said...

Thanks for the encouragement ladies! I love you!