Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

To my dad and favorite sled partner...
And to my VERY favorite coach. The one who got kicked out of a soccer game for standing up for his girls to a bad ref. That kind of coach. The kind every girl needs.

To my Grandpa, my friend...the smartest person I've ever known. And to this guy, who is dancin' with the angels today. To his trucker hats, crazy overalls, amazing cookin' and his belly laugh. We miss you Grandpa.
Happy Father's Day to the amazing men in my life. Thinking of you all today.


Anonymous said...

thanks sweets, love you

Anonymous said...

You're kind,
To do more,
Than just your father,
Smart as well,
To open your eyes,
Than normal people,
Keep it up,
You might be smarter,
Than the world.