Saturday, July 19, 2008

Love Me Some Livestock

Yet again this morning, a chicken ran across the one road I drive every day in Uhland, Texas. Chickens can run pretty fast I've discovered and in fact the more times I see a chicken run, the more I'm amazed that their chubby little round bodies are even supported by their scrawny little, well chicken legs. It is a magical thing really and it's these little moments of beauty that make me fall more in love with Uhland all the time.

The other day my beautiful friend Charlotte informed me that there is a list out there containing a number of items and in order for a town to be considered a town, it must have at least three of the things on this list. I wondered about Uhland, TX and what it has that qualifies. All I could come up with was a dance hall, a stop sign and a chicken. I suppose on the official list chickens probably fall under a "livestock" category or something of that nature.
Speaking of which, someone's cow got loose the other day. Apparently it's a bit illegal in Texas to have your livestock just roaming the sides of the highway, but sometimes these things just happen and a cow finds a hole in the fence and meanders a little too far from his pasture. As I drove by it at roughly 65 miles an hour I wondered if there was something I should do about it, but never having had any experience in dealing with stray cows, I couldn't even come up with any good options. Even if I had stopped, I didn't suppose that the cow had any identifying features that would help me know where he lived. So, I just kept driving hoping that some good cow-herding Texan would come behind me and know exactly what to do to help the lost cow find his way home.

And so goes life in this great place. And I love every minute of it.

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