Tuesday, March 24, 2009

For Ashlee


Piland Family said...

Your comments made my day. Thanks for saying she's so cute. I always thought that I would be a realistic mom who could acknowledge that my baby isn't really beautiful because lets face it, most newborns look like wrinkled old men. But of course I think she's absolutely precious and perfect and I can't tell if it's because I have my mom goggles on or if she really IS just that beautiful. So anyway, thanks for making me feel good. I can't wait for you to meet her in person! She's the calmest, most laid back baby... it's awesome.

ps- feel free to take my old blog off your list at any time...

Piland Family said...

oh, and by the way... she's totally a republican. She's a republican for the exact same reason I am....

because her parents are.

I know it's wrong. At least I'm honest.