Friday, February 13, 2009

Important addition to the 25 random things...

Okay so I just remembered one of the very most random events in my life and I don't know how I could have possibly forgotten to put it on the list because it seriously ranks way up there. Despite all the randomness that occurs in my life, even this left me a bit speechless. So:

#26. During my senior year of highschool I got sent to the principal's office for singing in choir.

And no, you're not missing anything. There's no hidden joke or inside story. I was sent to the principal's office for singing during choir. My mom can attest to the validity.


SueDub said...

Which only proves that the teacher was quite insane.

It was also the only time you were in trouble at school.

Jen said...

and let the record state that when i went to the office and told the staff that i had been sent there to see the principal, they laughed at me and told me to go back to class. at which point i told them that i wasn't allowed to. and they laughed again and told me to go back to class. after i insisted for 5 minutes that this was not a laughing matter, they told me to just "hang out" until i could go to my next class. it wasn't until the next day that i even saw the principal because the teacher had gone down and filled out an office referral slip.

SueDub said...

Yes, but don't forget you also wound up with an in school suspension or detention or something stupid like that.