Monday, February 23, 2009

my name is Jen and I am a coffee addict.

On Sunday morning at 7 a.m. I was on my way to church and stopped at Dominican Joe to get my Sunday morning coffee. I love my Sunday mornings, and that's just part of the routine, part of the magic...a big cup of coffee. I pulled into a parking space and went to grab my wallet out of my bag so I didn't have to carry the whole bag in, only to find out that my wallet wasn't there...

Thought #1: How am I going to get my coffee!?
Thought #2: Surely I can scrounge up enough change in this car to buy a small cup.
Thought #3: Hey, there's that guy that plays bass. He doesn't know me, but he'd probably recognize me and then if I told him I was friends with Emily I bet he'd buy me a cup of coffee.
Thought #4: Can I write a check for coffee?
Thought #5: Maybe if I find a homeless person who has enough change I can write them a check but then they probably wouldn't have a bank account to deposit the...wait a second...where's my wallet?

Okay, so I hadn't actually considered #5 but my brain train was definitely through #4and on its way there. I feel like this is evidence of 1 of 2 possible problems. Either my caffeine addiction is out of control or I rely too heavily on my routine. I might need to work on that...


CharCof said...

maybe you should be addicted to Coffee...wait, you already are!!! that makes me look like this :D

sorry my car held your wallet hostage...

emily said...

love it. But you are maybe going to need to confess this Wed. night.

Jen said...

yeah...i don't know that i'm quite ready to confess this one yet. maybe one of these days. sigh...

Leah said...

girl, I would do the same thing.