Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Monday's Fabulous Moment

So, someone to give me a little razzing about my lack of blogging is apparently all it takes these days.

Here it is. I didn't find, or seek out, or create a Monday's Fabulous Moment yesterday. I know...fail. But cut me some slack. I'm coming back from an MFM hiatus. Instead, I know it's not the same, but I had a Sunday's Fabulous Moment and a Tuesday's Fabulous Moment. That should more than make up for it.

Sunday I was having lunch at Jason's Deli with a dear friend. For those of you who have ever been to Jason's, you know the check out process is kinda whack. It stresses me out a little. Not gonna lie. But the cash register guy is wearing his nametag on the sleeve of his shirt and it says, "Ninja Dave." I watch him as he checks out the two people in front of me and he's moving at a ridiculous pace. He is completely owning the number pad on the cash register and seems to have made it his own personal goal to never have anyone waiting on anything so while one hand is ringing up the total for the second customer, his other hand is swiping the first customer's credit card. Once the receipt prints he tears that off for the first customer while simultaneously swiping the credit card for the other person. I'm trying really hard not to laugh by the time it's my turn and I walk up to the register and say, "So...do they call you Ninja Dave because you move at the speed of light?" He doesn't even look up but just keeps punching buttons. But then, in a very Napolean Dynamite tone of voice says, "Yeah, I guess so."

A few seconds go by before he finishes with, "That...and other reasons."

Sunday's Fabulous Moment. Done.

Tuesday's Fabulous Moment:

I'm sitting here at the front desk at the Carver and a tall, scrawny, middle-aged, really scrappy white guy just came in and said he just wanted to look around. I told him that wasn't a problem and as he walked off, his phone started blaring, "Chim Chim Cheree."


1 comment:

emily said...

I'd like to just say that I giggled OUT LOUD while I was supposed to be doing some work and my "neighbor" gave me a look. oops. I think there might just be another MFM that you aren't sharing...regarding a certain email conversation between the two of us. just sayin'.