Friday, October 22, 2010

Enchanted Rock

Last weekend my precious friend Char and I went to a magical place west of Austin called Enchanted Rock. It was beautiful! We hiked. A lot. For like 5 hours. I left with a sunburn and woke up really sore the next morning. But it was absolutely worth it.

This little guy got hot I guess so he decided this would be a good spot to lay down... Okay really? Doesn't get anymore beautiful than this...
And my favorite part. Finding a great climbing tree and hopping up there to eat lunch. Okay and by "hopping up" I mean sweating, grunting, falling, rolling around, stretching in unnatural ways and getting a few bruises in a few strange places. Oh and laughing hysterically which in fact makes it harder to accomplish the task at hand. Anyone lucky enough to witness that got a show. Oh and second best part? The barefoot kid who climbed about as high as he could in the tree behind me, got scared at the top and decided he was stuck. He yelled down to his dad, "Dad I'm stuck. Help me." Dad, without missing a beat said, "Well I guess this will be a great time for you to enjoy nature." The kid says, "No Dad I'm not kidding. I'm really stuck." And Dad says, "I'm not either. Enjoy the view." And he really did leave him up there. Mom eventually came to the rescue.

I gotta find a man like that to marry...

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