Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I need your thoughts...

Why is it that it's never enough for us to simply point people to the Gospel and NOTHING else when they are seeking guidance, help, comfort or assistance.

We point people to comfort food, movies, self-help theories, ourselves and our own ideas of how they should be responding or sometimes other people and just maybe a little scripture somewhere in the middle of all that.

And why is it that when there is a rare person who ONLY points us back to the Gospel and to Jesus, we feel like they haven't done enough.

Okay go...

P.S. I would love to find out who more of my random blogger friends are so please feel free to leave a comment! :) I really want to know people's thoughts.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

just wanted you to know i'm one of your random blogger friends. :)

i'll need to think about your question a little more before i answer it...